Shire Oak Case Study
“The new wooden floor looks amazing!”
For this refurbishment project, we installed a new DYNAMIK Sprung Engineered Premium Sport Oak Floor. includes the DYNAMIK bespoke court design by partners Sportserve, who created a basketball home team feel by highlighting the surrounds and court Ds as well as the DYNAMIK and Shire Oak Academy logos.

Neal Critchley at Shire Oak Academy, had a few words to say the project:
“It was a real pleasure working with DYNAMIK for the replacement of our gymnasium floor, from the early discussions, through design, installation to completion the DYNAMIK team were integral to how the project evolved and ultimately looks. We are delighted with the finished product and how it fits into the branding of our sports facilities.”
“Having considered a range of options for the replacement of our old gymnasium floor it was clear that the passion Craig and the DYNAMIK team had to help us meet our goals, which made them the perfect partner for us. The new wooden floor looks amazing!”
The school also purchased DYNAMIK Giant Carpet Tile protection to preserve the Oak during non-sporting or community events
“…The protective tiles are a perfect way for us to ensure it stays that way for as long as possible. Thanks to the DYNAMIK team for all your help and all the extra time you have given to help ensure the project’s success!”